SHELLEY CERNY • Acupuncturist
Shelley is an acupuncturist who grew up in the Wisconsin countryside and then moved to California for 20 years to experience a different side of life. Along the way, she gained a wealth of skills and tools to help people heal. Now, burned out on cities, missing nature and her family who have lived in Hendersonville, NC for 20 years, she is putting down new roots here in Mills River. She loves hiking and woods, weather and fresh air, and just generally being a creative person.
Shelley earned a Masters Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with honors from Yo San University in Los Angeles, California, studied in Chinese hospitals, and had her own bustling private practice in Santa Monica, CA for 10 years. She loves helping people calm and rebalance from stress, regain health from whatever ailments they have, and most especially doing facial rejuvenation acupuncture to help bring back more youthful beauty to faces without using harmful injections.
If you need to just relax, feel and look better, or if American modern medicine isn't working for you, Shelley says it's highly likely that acupuncture and TCM have a safe, graceful and effective solution for you. She sees miracles with this medicine weekly. She looks forward to helping you!